The MASTER Level
So, you want it all & you want it done NOW? You want to work closely with a real, live person & have access to get the support you need in a timely fashion...Or, you don't have the time to organize all that needs to be done & want someone else to coordinate for you? Then the Master Level is for you! At this level you will find all of our Design Room Packages. From the Design the Bedroom of Your Dreams to a complete Clutter-Busting of your space-this level will have you empowered & ready to start living the life of your dreams in your custom, supportive space.
Service Offerings for the MASTER Level:
Design the OFFICE of Your Dreams room package:

Are you a solo-preneur who works from a table at Starbucks? Or a Mom-preneur whose office doubles as a dining room table? Or a tele-commuter who works from a guest bedroom when not on the road? The the "Designing the OFFICE of Your Dreams" room package is for you! Whether you have a dedicated room or your office doubles as another space, we can create & design an office space that is inspiring, healthy & supportive of your business goals.
This program is perfect for you if you want (or NEED) to have a dedicated space for your home-based business or an off-site location. Whether the space will serve as your "headquarters" or need to double as a guest bedroom at various times during the year, whenever you are working in the space, you will feel like it's your space & your's alone, rather than feeling like a visitor stopping in to check on emails. After an initial intervew, we will create a customized plan (color scheme, space-plan & accessory choice) to help you become more productive, efficient & attractive to your ideal clients, employees & projects.
FEATURES of this Room Package offering are:
...A design plan customized for YOU to attract your ideal clients & employees
...A customized organizational plan designed for how YOU work to increase productivity & efficiency
...Implementation of "healthy" design principles to ensure a space that is employee & earth-friendly
...A focused INTENTION of what YOU are in business for (wealth, relationships, service) by implementing Feng Shui to the Life Areas of Abundance, Relationships, Helpful People & Success with color & accessory choice
BENEFITS of this Room Package are:
...Increased efficiency & productivity to allow you more time to spend with your family
...A space that supports you & your company to achieve its stated VISION & MISSION
...You'll have the ability to find what you want & need WHEN you want & need it
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons a $150 value) & a SCANNER (a $200 value)
Price: $2500.00
ADD-ONS: any furniture and/or accessory choice, custom furniture design (price dependent on fabric choice & furniture options). Hourly consultations rates apply.
This program is perfect for you if you want (or NEED) to have a dedicated space for your home-based business or an off-site location. Whether the space will serve as your "headquarters" or need to double as a guest bedroom at various times during the year, whenever you are working in the space, you will feel like it's your space & your's alone, rather than feeling like a visitor stopping in to check on emails. After an initial intervew, we will create a customized plan (color scheme, space-plan & accessory choice) to help you become more productive, efficient & attractive to your ideal clients, employees & projects.
FEATURES of this Room Package offering are:
...A design plan customized for YOU to attract your ideal clients & employees
...A customized organizational plan designed for how YOU work to increase productivity & efficiency
...Implementation of "healthy" design principles to ensure a space that is employee & earth-friendly
...A focused INTENTION of what YOU are in business for (wealth, relationships, service) by implementing Feng Shui to the Life Areas of Abundance, Relationships, Helpful People & Success with color & accessory choice
BENEFITS of this Room Package are:
...Increased efficiency & productivity to allow you more time to spend with your family
...A space that supports you & your company to achieve its stated VISION & MISSION
...You'll have the ability to find what you want & need WHEN you want & need it
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons a $150 value) & a SCANNER (a $200 value)
Price: $2500.00
ADD-ONS: any furniture and/or accessory choice, custom furniture design (price dependent on fabric choice & furniture options). Hourly consultations rates apply.

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Design the BEDROOM of Your Dreams room package

Did you know that you spend 1/3 of your lives in the BEDROOM? Whether it's getting ready to start your day, spend time with your sweetie or "call it a night"...the BEDROOM is the place we most associate with a personal sanctuary. However, this all-important is frequently the LAST room that gets focused on. The Designing the BEDROOM of Your Dreams room package is set-up for 2 of THE most important BEDROOMS: the NURSERY and the COUPLE'S Master Bedroom.
Does your bedroom serve as your work space, work-out room & place where piles of laundry come to socialize? When you think about your bedroom is REST & ROMANCE two of the last things you think of? Designing the COUPLE'S Bedroom of Your Dreams is designed for engaged couples, married couples or couples getting ready to move in together. Whether you are currently living in your "couples" home or have found a place & a moving date is scheduled, we will design a space that focuses on YOUR "couple" design style-specifically in your BEDROOM. The BEDROOM corresponds to the RELATIONSHIP Life Area (Feng Shui) & we help to "activate" the romance vibe with color, accessory choice, space-plan & artwork. After an initial interview with BOTH of you to determine what is important to you & how you use your space (i.e. getting ready in the morning, sleep habits/time schedule) we will customize a room that works for both of you on a practical, daily level, & one that highlights you as a COUPLE.
***If health issues are a concern (allergies, asthma, insomnia or physical challenges) we can design a space that increases independence & life quality.***
FEATURES of the Designing the COUPLE'S BEDROOM of Your Dreams room package:
...a customized design plan for you & your sweetie's lifestyle & to amp up your ROMANCE vibe
...a customized organizationl plan for your closets to maximize efficiency when getting ready for work, a date night or a good night's sleep
...a design focusing on the 2 "R's" (REST & ROMANCE)
...a "healthy" design plan utilizing Integrative Lifestyle Design principles to help ensure a good night's sleep
...a focused INTENTION in the design for what you & your other half want to create in the Master Bedroom using Feng Shui, specifically, on the RELATIONSHIP & HEALTH Life Areas through color, shape & accessory choice
BENEFITS of this Room Package are:
...a room that PROMOTES Rest & Romance for you & your partner
...a healthy room to begin & end your day in
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons valued at $150), 1 organic mattress topper & 1 set of bamboo bedding
PRICE: $3000.00
ADD-ONS: custom window treatments, upholstered pieces, duvet/pillows (price dependent on fabric & furniture choice). Hourly consultation rates apply
Designing the NURSERY of Your Dreams room package focuses on the "first" bedroom we have, the NURSERY. Did you know that the nursery tends to be the most TOXIC room in the home? And considering that your new addition is one of the most VULNERABLE, shouldn't it be as healthy & nurturing as possible? This room package helps ALL new parents achieve a healthy, nurturing & supportive space for their newborn through the use of Integrative Lifestyle Design principles.
FEATURES of this Room Package:
...a NURSERY design customized for you
...a customized organizational plan designed for maximum efficiency so you can spend more time w/your family
...implementation of "healthy" design principles to ensure a space that is baby, family & earth-friendly
...a focused INTENTION of what YOU want to create for you & your baby by incorporating Feng Shui principles to the Life Areas of HEALTH & FAMILY using color, shape & accessory choice
BENEFITS of this Room Package are:
...a healthy space to help nuture & comfort your newborn (& you!)
...a nursery that can easily grow with your baby with simple design tweaks
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons valued at $150), 1 organic crib mattress & 1 organic water-proof pad
PRICE: $2500.00
ADD-ONS: custom window-treatments & upholstered pieces (price dependent on fabric choice, furniture choice). Hourly consultation rates apply.
Does your bedroom serve as your work space, work-out room & place where piles of laundry come to socialize? When you think about your bedroom is REST & ROMANCE two of the last things you think of? Designing the COUPLE'S Bedroom of Your Dreams is designed for engaged couples, married couples or couples getting ready to move in together. Whether you are currently living in your "couples" home or have found a place & a moving date is scheduled, we will design a space that focuses on YOUR "couple" design style-specifically in your BEDROOM. The BEDROOM corresponds to the RELATIONSHIP Life Area (Feng Shui) & we help to "activate" the romance vibe with color, accessory choice, space-plan & artwork. After an initial interview with BOTH of you to determine what is important to you & how you use your space (i.e. getting ready in the morning, sleep habits/time schedule) we will customize a room that works for both of you on a practical, daily level, & one that highlights you as a COUPLE.
***If health issues are a concern (allergies, asthma, insomnia or physical challenges) we can design a space that increases independence & life quality.***
FEATURES of the Designing the COUPLE'S BEDROOM of Your Dreams room package:
...a customized design plan for you & your sweetie's lifestyle & to amp up your ROMANCE vibe
...a customized organizationl plan for your closets to maximize efficiency when getting ready for work, a date night or a good night's sleep
...a design focusing on the 2 "R's" (REST & ROMANCE)
...a "healthy" design plan utilizing Integrative Lifestyle Design principles to help ensure a good night's sleep
...a focused INTENTION in the design for what you & your other half want to create in the Master Bedroom using Feng Shui, specifically, on the RELATIONSHIP & HEALTH Life Areas through color, shape & accessory choice
BENEFITS of this Room Package are:
...a room that PROMOTES Rest & Romance for you & your partner
...a healthy room to begin & end your day in
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons valued at $150), 1 organic mattress topper & 1 set of bamboo bedding
PRICE: $3000.00
ADD-ONS: custom window treatments, upholstered pieces, duvet/pillows (price dependent on fabric & furniture choice). Hourly consultation rates apply
Designing the NURSERY of Your Dreams room package focuses on the "first" bedroom we have, the NURSERY. Did you know that the nursery tends to be the most TOXIC room in the home? And considering that your new addition is one of the most VULNERABLE, shouldn't it be as healthy & nurturing as possible? This room package helps ALL new parents achieve a healthy, nurturing & supportive space for their newborn through the use of Integrative Lifestyle Design principles.
FEATURES of this Room Package:
...a NURSERY design customized for you
...a customized organizational plan designed for maximum efficiency so you can spend more time w/your family
...implementation of "healthy" design principles to ensure a space that is baby, family & earth-friendly
...a focused INTENTION of what YOU want to create for you & your baby by incorporating Feng Shui principles to the Life Areas of HEALTH & FAMILY using color, shape & accessory choice
BENEFITS of this Room Package are:
...a healthy space to help nuture & comfort your newborn (& you!)
...a nursery that can easily grow with your baby with simple design tweaks
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons valued at $150), 1 organic crib mattress & 1 organic water-proof pad
PRICE: $2500.00
ADD-ONS: custom window-treatments & upholstered pieces (price dependent on fabric choice, furniture choice). Hourly consultation rates apply.
Design for After a Loss room package

The last thing anyone wants to think of after experience the loss of a loved, or going through a divorce, is "what do I do w/thier stuff?"...Or having to face sleeping in the same bedroom that you shared for many years...While these are 2 very different situations, the same issues face you: the processing of any items/collections left behind & the re-design of the bedroom. This is where we can help ease your pain & stress.
In the case of a DIVORCE we can help you create an entirely new space that reflects & help you embrace your new life-whether or not you're ready to welcome someone into your most intimate of spaces. Using Integrative Lifestyle Design, we will help you customize a new color scheme, space-plan, CLUTTER-BUST & new accessory choice. We will also incorporate the Feng Shui Life Areas of Relationship, Life Journey & Health in your space to help support you in this new phase.
***This room package is suggested for any time AFTER the divorce is finalized.***
FEATURES of this Room Package:
...a customized design plan for your BEDROOM focusing on your goals in this new phase
...CLUTTER-BUSTING services to "release" your past relationship & life, to move forward
...a customized organizational plan to help make your space more efficient & work for YOU & how you want to create your new life
...a "healthy" design plan utilizing Integrative Lifestyle Design principles to help ensure a good night's sleep & address any mental/physical health concerns
...a focused INTENTION in the design for what you want to create in the Master Bedroom using Feng Shui, specifically, on the RELATIONSHIP, LIFE JOURNEY & HEALTH Life Areas through color, shape & accessory choice.
BENEFITS of this Room Package:
...a BEDROOM that reflects where you are going, not where you've been
...a personal sanctuary for you decompress, rest & relax in
...the ability to RELEASE the past relationship so you can move forward into your new life phase
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons valued at $150), 1 organic mattress topper & 1 set of bamboo bedding
PRICE: $5000.00
ADD-ONS: custom window treatments, upholstered pieces, duvet/pillows (price dependent on fabric & furniture choice). Hourly consultation rates apply.
In the case of the DEATH of a loved one, we can help you with the "SORTING OUT" process of their belongings, collections & accessories, & a re-design of your BEDROOM. This is typically one of the hardest activities, & the one which brings the enormity of your loss into your reality. Through the process we use in The Clutter Counselor program, we will help you through this overwhelming phase. The Feng Shui Life Areas that we will incorporate are the Realtionship. Life Journey & Health areas of your Mater Bedroom through color, space-planning accessory choice & placement.
***This package is suggested for implementation not sooner than 1 month after the loss & within the first year.***
FEATURES of this Room Package:
...a customized design plan for your BEDROOM focusing on your goals in this new phase
...CLUTTER-BUSTING services to "release" your past relationship & life, to move forward
...a customized organizational plan to help make your space more efficient & work for YOU & how you want to create your new life
...a "healthy" design plan utilizing Integrative Lifestyle Design principles to help ensure a good night's sleep & address any mental/physical health concerns
...a focused INTENTION in the design for what you want to create in the Master Bedroom using Feng Shui, specifically, on the RELATIONSHIP, LIFE JOURNEY & HEALTH Life Areas through color, shape & accessory choice.
BENEFITS of this Room Package:
...a personal sanctuary for you to heal in as you transition into your next life phase
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons valued at $150), 1 organic mattress topper & 1 set of bamboo bedding
PRICE: $5000.00
ADD-ONS: custom window treatments, upholstered
pieces, duvet/pillows (price dependent on fabric & furniture choice).
Hourly consultation rates apply
In the case of a DIVORCE we can help you create an entirely new space that reflects & help you embrace your new life-whether or not you're ready to welcome someone into your most intimate of spaces. Using Integrative Lifestyle Design, we will help you customize a new color scheme, space-plan, CLUTTER-BUST & new accessory choice. We will also incorporate the Feng Shui Life Areas of Relationship, Life Journey & Health in your space to help support you in this new phase.
***This room package is suggested for any time AFTER the divorce is finalized.***
FEATURES of this Room Package:
...a customized design plan for your BEDROOM focusing on your goals in this new phase
...CLUTTER-BUSTING services to "release" your past relationship & life, to move forward
...a customized organizational plan to help make your space more efficient & work for YOU & how you want to create your new life
...a "healthy" design plan utilizing Integrative Lifestyle Design principles to help ensure a good night's sleep & address any mental/physical health concerns
...a focused INTENTION in the design for what you want to create in the Master Bedroom using Feng Shui, specifically, on the RELATIONSHIP, LIFE JOURNEY & HEALTH Life Areas through color, shape & accessory choice.
BENEFITS of this Room Package:
...a BEDROOM that reflects where you are going, not where you've been
...a personal sanctuary for you decompress, rest & relax in
...the ability to RELEASE the past relationship so you can move forward into your new life phase
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons valued at $150), 1 organic mattress topper & 1 set of bamboo bedding
PRICE: $5000.00
ADD-ONS: custom window treatments, upholstered pieces, duvet/pillows (price dependent on fabric & furniture choice). Hourly consultation rates apply.
In the case of the DEATH of a loved one, we can help you with the "SORTING OUT" process of their belongings, collections & accessories, & a re-design of your BEDROOM. This is typically one of the hardest activities, & the one which brings the enormity of your loss into your reality. Through the process we use in The Clutter Counselor program, we will help you through this overwhelming phase. The Feng Shui Life Areas that we will incorporate are the Realtionship. Life Journey & Health areas of your Mater Bedroom through color, space-planning accessory choice & placement.
***This package is suggested for implementation not sooner than 1 month after the loss & within the first year.***
FEATURES of this Room Package:
...a customized design plan for your BEDROOM focusing on your goals in this new phase
...CLUTTER-BUSTING services to "release" your past relationship & life, to move forward
...a customized organizational plan to help make your space more efficient & work for YOU & how you want to create your new life
...a "healthy" design plan utilizing Integrative Lifestyle Design principles to help ensure a good night's sleep & address any mental/physical health concerns
...a focused INTENTION in the design for what you want to create in the Master Bedroom using Feng Shui, specifically, on the RELATIONSHIP, LIFE JOURNEY & HEALTH Life Areas through color, shape & accessory choice.
BENEFITS of this Room Package:
...a personal sanctuary for you to heal in as you transition into your next life phase
INCLUSIONS: paint (up to 5 gallons valued at $150), 1 organic mattress topper & 1 set of bamboo bedding
PRICE: $5000.00
ADD-ONS: custom window treatments, upholstered
pieces, duvet/pillows (price dependent on fabric & furniture choice).
Hourly consultation rates apply

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